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These Rules and Regulations are to be construed as part of all space contracts. Revolution reserves the right to interpret them as well as to make final decisions on all points not specifically covered.


1. Agreement to Rules – Exhibitor, for himself/ herself and his/ her employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and by any amendments that may be put into effect by Revolution.


2. Show Hours and Dates – Hours and dates for installing, showing and dismantling exhibits shall be those specified by Revolution. All exhibits must be open during exhibit hours, and no dismantling or packing may be started before the official close of the exhibit.


3. Eligible Exhibits – Revolution reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the Conference.


4. Booth Construction and Arrangement – Exhibitors shall be so arranged as to not obstruct the general view, nor hide the exhibits of others.


5. Demonstration Equipment Placement – All demonstration equipment including operator’s position must be located within reasonable bounds around their table. Revolution reserves the right to move exhibitor’s equipment if it is found to be obtrusive.


6. Displays and Decorations – Merchandise signs, decorations, or display structures shall not be pasted, taped, nailed, or tacked to walls. No exhibit material, equipment, trunks, cases or packing materials shall be left in any aisle, but shall be connected to the exhibit space during exhibit hours.


7. Security – Exhibitor should make provisions to safeguard his goods from the time they are placed in the booth until the time they are removed. Revolution will not be responsible for loss or damage due to any cause. Each party agrees to be responsible for their own property through insurance or self-insurance and shall hold harmless each of the other parties for any and all damage caused by theft and those perils normally covered by a re and extended coverage policy.


8. Damage to Property – Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused

to building doors, walls or columns, or to standard booth equipment, or to other Exhibitor’s property. Exhibitor may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesive or coating to building columns and doors or to standard booth equipment.


9. Restrictions – Show Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits which are objectionable because of noise, glaring or flashing lights, method of operation, or any other reason, and also to prohibit or evict any exhibit which, in the opinion of Revolution, may detract from the general character of the exhibit. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter or anything Revolution judges to be objectionable. In the event of such restriction or eviction, Revolution is not liable for any refund of any amount paid hereunder. No display material exposing an unfinished surface to neighboring booths will be permitted. Demonstrations must be so located that crowds collected will be within the exhibitor’s space, and not blocking aisle or neighboring exhibits. Contests of any kind must be approved in writing by Revolution. The playing of music is prohibited on the exhibit floor without the approval of Revolution.


10. Responsibility – If the exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with the terms of this agreement, Revolution shall have the right, without notice to the exhibitor to offer said space to another exhibitor or to use said space in any other manner, but this shall not be construed as affecting the responsibility of the exhibitor to pay the full amount specified by the contract.


11. Compliance – The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations and codes of duly au- thorized local, state and federal governing bodies concerning safety, health, together with the rules and regulations of the operators and/ or owners of the property wherein the exhibit is held. Federal, State and City laws must be strictly observed. Cloth decorations must be flameproof. Wiring must comply with re department and underwriters’ rules.


12. Liability – Revolution, its agents and employees, and the hotel, their agents and employees shall not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to the property of the exhibitor, his or her employees or representatives. Further, Revolution will not be liable for damage or injury to persons or property during the term ofthis agreement from any cause whatsoever by reason of the use or occupancy of the exhibit space by the exhibitor or his assigns, and the exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless Revolution from all liability which might ensue from any cause whatsoever. If the exhibitor’s material fails to arrive, the exhibitor is nevertheless responsible for all amounts due hereunder. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to maintain proper insurance coverage for its property and liability.


13. Cancellation or Termination of Exposition– In the event that the premises where the exposition is to be held shall, in the sole determination of Revolution, become unfit or unavailable for occupancy, or shall be substantially interfered with, by reason of picketing, strike, embargo, injunction, act of war, act of God, re or state of emergency declared by any government agency or by reason of any municipal, state or federal law or regulation or by reason of any other occurrence beyond the control of Revolution, Revolution may cancel or terminate the exposition. In the event of such cancellation or termination, the exhibitor waives any and all claims the exhibitor might have against Revolution the exhibitor’s pro-rate share of the total amount paid by all exhibitors less all costs and expenses incurred by Revolution in connection with the exposition including a reserve for future claims and expenses in connection therewith. In case Revolution shall for any reason determine to cancel or terminate the exposition, the exhibitor waives all claims the exhibitor might have against Revolution for damages or expenses and agrees to accept in complete satisfaction and discharge of all claims against Revolution a refund of all amounts paid by the exhibitor to Revolution in accordance with this agreement.


14. Exhibitor Representative – Each exhibitor must name at least one person to be its representative in connection with the installation, operation and removal of the exhibit. Such representative shall be authorized to enter into such service contracts as may be necessary and for which the exhibitor is responsible.


15. Attendance – Revolution shall have sole control over admission policies at all times.


16. Performance of Music – The exhibitor acknowledges that any live or recorded performance of copyrighted music which occurs in the exhibitor’s booth must be licensed from the appropriate copy- right owner or agent. The exhibitor undertakes full responsibility for obtaining any necessary licenses and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Revolution from any damages or expenses incurred by Revolution due to the exhibitor’s failure to obtain such licenses.


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